ACEC/MA's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Forum provides a forum for its members to discuss and share information about how they are implementing aspects of DEI in their firms.
ACEC-MA is committed to an open and inclusive business environment. The ACEC/MA Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Forum has been established to advance the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion throughout Massachusetts’ engineering community. ACEC/MA's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Forum provides a forum for its members to discuss and share information about how they are implementing aspects of DEI in their firms.
Managed by two co-chairs, our DEI Forum is organized around particular areas of membership expertise and interest learning about DEI matters. All committee members are volunteer representatives from ACEC/MA member firms. Additional participants from member firms are always welcome. If your work responsibilities include DEI matters for your firm, or if you are interested in learning more about the topic, sign up for this Forum. This Forum is open to all employees of ACEC/MA Member Firms, even if you are not located in Massachusetts. Because most of the meetings are also held on Zoom or TEAMS, it is easy to participate.
ACEC/MA's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Forum usually meets bimonthly or quarterly by Zoom or, when possible, at the office of an ACEC/MA Member Firm. Aligned with our mission, the goals of these forums are to 1) share and exchange ideas on what your firms have done in response to raising awareness around racial injustice and other inequalities in the workplace, and 2) brainstorm ideas around how ACEC MA and our profession can help advance initiatives and the conversation across our organization and our member firms.
4/25/24: DEI Best Practices
Non-Apparent Identities with a Focus on Disabilities presented by Victoria Verlezza on 12/6/2023
Non-Apparent Identities with a Focus on Disabilities
Value of Water Campaign's New Toolkit for Promoting Workforce Diversity
Value of Water Campaign’s Toolkit for Recruiting a Diverse Water Workforce
Diversity Profile of ACEC/MA Member Engineering, Land Surveying & A/E Firms FY2022
Summary of DEI Forums to date (as of 5/9/2024:
May 6, 2021: Provided summary of DEI survey and then held two breakout sessions:
Aug. 21, 2021: Presentation by Deborah Anderson, Assistant Attorney General Construction Bid Unit
Oct. 7, 2021: Panel Discussion: Trials and tribulations, and highs and lows with some of our local M/WBE firms.
Jan. 7, 2022: Panel Discussion: DEI programs in different firms
June 23, 2022:
Oct. 11, 2022: Activating Bystanders to Address Workplace Microaggressions
Played short video and then held discussion on ways to address microaggressions
May 18, 2023: Fall 2022 Survey Results
Salary Equity/Wage Gap with Kim Borman, BWWC
Dec. 6, 2023: Non-Apparent Identities: Invisible or Hidden Disabilities in the Workplace – Dr. Victoria Verlezza (Fuss & O’Neil) led presentation and discussion
April 2, 2024: Tips and Tricks for DEI initiatives: best practices from applicants for the ACECMA DEIB award
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resource Page for ACEC/MA Members
ACEC/MA members only pay the ACEC/MA member rate for registration. Check the ACEC/MA Member Directory to see if your firm is an ACEC/MA member. If your firm is an ACEC/MA member, you are a member.
Important: You must use the account, including the username and password, of the individual you wish to register.
Forgot your password? | Need an account?
IMPORTANT: Altering your name or contact information during registration will overwrite your record in our membership database. Please do not share your login information with anyone else.
If you have additional questions regarding registration, contact us at 617/227-5551 or
Registration is processed through the ACEC/MA associated website, ACEC/MA is supported by the staff of The Engineering Center Education Trust.