Registration Closes 2/9/24 for this Children's Museum event.

Boston Children's Museum Seeks Volunteers for Engineering Week
Volunteer Opportunity for Engineering Week at Boston Children's Museum
The Boston Children's Museum is seeking volunteers for Engineering Week 2024 at Boston Children's Museum. Engineering Week this year is February 19-25, 2024, which aligns perfectly with Massachusetts Public Schools' February vacation week. There is a massive boost in attendance at the museum. So, they are delighted to feature Engineering, during such a highly attended week to inspire a future love of STEAM, but they need our help.
What is Engineering Week at the Boston Children's Museum?
Engineering Week, run by the STEAM team, Creators, and Volunteers during February vacation week, has a variety of hands-on activities exploring the Engineering mindset where visitors are encouraged to explore, try, and reiterate to solve a problem.
ACEC/MA and our members love engineering. The Children's Museum would like to feature what some of our firms do during their yearly celebration of all things engineering. Volunteering has the added benefit of interacting with excited children and families. The museum wants to feature local engineers and engineering organizations through their event.
Two options this year for firms to volunteer during Engineers Week:
1. Assisting Educators - Show up and help Boston Children's Museum educators spread the joy of engineering through various hands-on activities (sign up 3 volunteers for each organization/session)
2. Tabling - Creating an open-ended activity that highlights your firm with your own table space (sign 4 volunteers for each organization/session)
If you and your firm are interested, sign up on the form below
by February 9 and feel free to send any questions to
Lex the Boston Children's Museum.