In 2020, we saw an unbelievable series of dreadful events. On the bright side, our profession has clearly been a positive force throughout it all. Hear directly from ACEC/MA Board President Dennis Baker on looking toward recovery and the organization’s goals for the year. Read the Article.
To address the abundance of paper required to apply for a public project and create an electronic searchable database, the Designer Selection Board (DSB) embarked upon a multi-year effort to create an application system from scratch. In this interview, Bill Perkins explains the decision to create this program and how the process progressed over time. Read the Article.
A public outreach program is critical to nearly all public and some private construction projects. Joseph Nolan, City Point Partners’ Director of Public Outreach, discusses the evolution of these programs, what makes them successful, and how COVID-19 has transformed them entirely. Read the Article.
Firms with successful business development (BD) strategies share several commonalities. Rich Friedman explores them in this article, providing a case study of one firm that’s integrated their BD efforts with highly focused integrated marketing initiatives, tying it all to clear growth plans and developing a culture where everyone’s on board. Read the Article.
On November 3, 2020, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) decided that the Statute of Repose (the Statute) bars claims of design and construction defects in a multi-phase condominium, holding that the Statute is triggered upon the substantial completion of each building in each phase, regardless of how many buildings are constructed in the phase or how many phases are planned for the entire development. Jon Cowen explains. Read the Article.
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Contact our Insights Chair:
Nicole Sparks, Chair, Director of Marketing, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
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